Saturday, July 07, 2012

A Reader Writes: “The Only Answer to the Destruction of our Republic is Revolution or Secession”

By P.M.

[In response to:

“Never Too Busy to Hate: Affirmative Action Criminal Justice in Atlanta.”

See also:

“Possibilities for How ‘the American Experiment’ Will End.”]

A Reader Writes:

I have been concerned about the direction of the country for some time now. It is obvious to me that the people in control of our nation, both Democrats and Republicans, are completely out of touch, and/or completely corrupt. They appear to be oblivious to our constitution and the freedoms it was meant to guarantee us. They also are completely out of touch with the sentiments of white Americans, and their desire to maintain our Republic as the founders intended.

I believe the only answer to the destruction of our Republic, along with our freedoms and our majority status is revolution or secession. We are reaching a tipping point—the Southwest is already a foreign nation within our borders, where English is a second language. When things finally start to come apart, I believe things will evolve as fast as they did for the old Soviet Union; I only hope it will be as peaceful. I know the Washington establishment believes they can suppress any dissent, but this is a vast country, much larger than Iraq and Afghanistan put together. Once the situation progresses past a certain point, the central government will lose control of the situation, and I believe the nation will break apart.

When I was a young man, I fought for this country in Vietnam. Back then, I would never have believed that I would someday consider the government in Washington to be the main enemy of this nation and its people.


PDK said...

All non-liberal Americans should,IMHO, uproot and move to republican states, from whence a formal declaration of independence shoul be achieved.

First priority outlaw liberalism and its socialism, outlaw Islam, outlaw illegalism. Second priority, forced removal of all liberals, Islamics and illegals. Third priority, build a massive wall. Fourth priority, return to our founding fathers america.

It can be done. It should be done.

America, thanks to the liberals, is high atop the precipice, and teetering toward the great abyss.

When did Noah build the Ark? Before the flood.

Time to end the madness. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have thought about this one long and hard for many years.

When I was a little younger I wanted and longed for violent revolution, as bloody and messy as it could get. I was filled with youthful rage, I am still full of rage but see it a bit differently now but still want the exact same thing in the end.

I am all for the secession idea over the complete chaos a revolution would bring, but it may go that way no matter.

For a long while I have talked to people about this and have heard all sorts of wild ideas which didn't give me much comfort.

Too few of the serious people I have had long discussions with want what I want, a number of states which band together and declare independence under the exact same constitution we originally had.

I have heard all sorts of wild ideas for a new government running the gambit from a Byzantine style of governance to, unfortunately national socialism(which is about what we have now, coupled with some extreme cultural Marxism).

One constant theme strikes me in those proposing these ideas, that many of those who claim to be on "our" side are as bad or worse than those who they desire to replace and their dream forms of government are literal nightmares to most of us.

Right up front we need a way to purge these sociopaths from even entering our debates, and much more to make sure they are kept out of any position of power or influence if our movement gains steam.

There is ABSOLUTELY no way this country will remain intact as 50 states much longer, and why the powers that be are implementing a horror show of a police state to hold it together before our very eyes. That won't work out for them for too long either.

Some groups are zeroing in on the pacific northwest, some are holding to the Appalachian idea, and others have all sorts of other plans. For now, I am stuck here in ground zero on the west coast and can see that the state I am in is doing its best to commit suicide in a thousand ways. I am not alone here, and others like me/us are in similar straits spread out across the country. We need a game plan, we need one now.

This subject needs to be brought to the top of our discussions immediately because it is a topic not too many have been taking too seriously up until now, well now is the time it is made paramount to all others-our very survival depends upon it.