Thursday, June 20, 2013

Washington Post “Conservative” Jennifer Rubin: Ashkenazi Jews are No More Intelligent Than Hottentots

Posted by Nicholas Stix


A tip 'o the hate to my VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer.



Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin's take from a conservative perspective

Distinguished pol of the week

By Jennifer Rubin

Published: May 12, 2013 at 7:45 a.m.

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There were lots of contenders this week. A trio of State Department witnesses showed us the best face of public service. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) laid out a conservative vision emphasizing community. Democrats, including liberal pundits, implored the president to stand up on Syria. But this week the standout was the team of pro-immigration conservatives who not only carried their case to the public, but also spoke out against one of their own that crossed the line from anti-immigration reform advocacy to disparagement of an entire ethnic group.



Grover Norquist (Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)


Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, the Cato Institute and Doug Holtz Eakin of the American Action Forum have been the brain trust behind fiscal conservatives' push for immigration reform. They provide testimony, dissect arguments, fund ads and take the case to mainstream and conservative media. But this week they spoke out (with others) in uniform condemnation of a shoddy piece of anti-immigration scholarship by the Heritage Foundation and the anti-immigrant proclamations of one of its authors, Jason Richwine, who contends Hispanics have lower IQ's as a matter of genetics. Heritage had not vetted this person when he was hired and realized its integrity was at stake. By the week's end Richwine was gone.

It was a painful week for Heritage, but they are better without the albatross of a racial determinist, just as jettisoning the John Birch Society decades ago purged the conservative movement of that era's racial cranks. Whatever differences conservatives have on immigration, they should be united on espousing the intrinsic worth of every individual and the ability of any person, from any walk of life, to succeed.

In this effort, ATR/Cato/AAF helped to recast the face of the conservative movement, reasserting modern conservatives' optimistic belief in upward mobility and the American dream. In their minds, no ethnic group is smarter than another. Anyone through diligence, hard work and some smarts can get ahead and improve his life and the American scene. America is an additive society — benefiting from more people, more wealth and more opportunity; America is not a zero-sum game in which perpetually poor people compete for scarce jobs. Conservatism cannot become Malthusian. It must be forward looking and inclusive.

For all that and for reminding conservatives what conservatism really it, we can say well-done, gentlemen.




5/13/2013 2:41 AM EDT

More fact free nonsense from Jenny. Back in the real world where facts (should) count for more than emotion we have David Frum. I quote

"It's not some personal quirk of Jason Richwine's that has caused him to doubt that the legalized immigrants will rapidly raise their skill levels or education standards. The most authoritative study of Mexican immigration over time has found exactly the same thing. Edward Teles and Velma Ortiz write from the left in their book, Generations of Exclusion. They indict American society, discriminatory educational attitudes, and other "exclusionary" forces - but they have the goods that Mexican-American inter-generational progress has slowed to a stall. I would follow Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies in putting the blame on the new American labor market and the reduction in blue-collar wages in a post-industrial economy. But whatever the reason, the facts are the facts - and the math is the math."
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5/13/2013 2:45 AM EDT

Jason Richwine is a racist? That's almost funny. The foremost component of the Open Borders lobby is an organization known as the NCLR. That stands for the National Council of La Raza. The power of this organization should not be in doubt.

For example, Cecilia Muñoz is a former vice president of this organization and is now the director of Amnesty for the Obama administration. She was also a principal architect of the failed 1986 Amnesty and worked assiduously (and successfully) to stop all of the enforcement provisions of the 1986 Amnesty as soon the Amnesty took effect.

The name of the NCLR should raise eyebrows. La Raza is "The Race" in English. However, the truth is worse, much worse. The slogan of the NCLR is the motto "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" ("For the Race, everything, outside the Race, nothing"). A reasonable person might think that racism that explicit did not exist in America today. They would be wrong. Does anyone who favors Open Borders have a problem with such obvious racism? Obviously not.

However, the real truth is deeper and darker. La Raza is actually a contraction of "La Raza Cosmica" ("The Cosmic Race"). La Raza Cosmica is the ideology of race devised by José Vasconcelos back in the 1920s. It is a doctrine of racial superiority and inferiority. José Vasconcelos was a rather serious racist. For example, he founded the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) whose slogan was (and remains), "Por mi raza hablará el espíritu" ("For my race the spirit shall speak"). José Vasconcelos never disavowed his racist ideology until the end of his life. In the 1930s and 40s, he was a Nazi agent in Mexico. After the defeat of Nazi Germany he recanted some of his extremist views.

This obviously raises some very disturbing questions. Why is the Open Borders lobby collaborating with an organization whose very name is derived from a Nazi agent?
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5/13/2013 2:46 AM EDT


This obviously raises some very disturbing questions. Why is the Open Borders lobby collaborating with an organization whose very name is derived from a Nazi agent? Why has the Open Borders lobby never denounced the extremist racism of one of its foremost partners in promoting Amnesty? Does every advocate of Open Borders subscribe to La Raza ideology? Doctrines of racial superiority?

Troubling questions that need answers.
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5/13/2013 4:58 AM EDT

Jenny, do you really think the Republican party has any future at all with Grover Norquist and Douglas Holtz-Eakin as its public face. Grover Norquist is the apogee of economic royalism (tax cuts for the rich, "free" trade, cheap labor, Open Borders, etc.). Douglas Holtz-Eakin was McCain's chief economic adviser. Ouch.

The basic Rubin schtick is that the Republican can continue to be the party of economic royalism just by dangling Amnesty in front of Hispanics. Pity that Hispanics vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Pity that the last Amnesty triggered a massive shift of Hispanics to the Democrats.
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